Section: New Software and Platforms


continuous wavelet transform

Keywords: Matlab - Visualization - Signal processing

Functional Description

This MATLAB script builds continuous wavelet transform (CWT) allowing to choose scales/frequencies and how to compute cone of influence (COI). It uses built-in MATLAB functions to calculate the transform (cwt.m and cwtft.m). This function returns scalogram, percentage energy for each coefficient of CWT. It also plots CWT (if such option is specified), all the values on the plot are linear ones. Plot function displays COI as hatched regions, to do so an additional function is required. Hatchfill function was used for that. I modifies this function slightly in order to control color of hatch lines and added to the repo for convenience. Otherwise, instead of using hatched regions, COI can be indicated by using MATLAB patch function with alpha set to a value less than 1.